Our compliance standards


SCHIESSER as a company has stood for responsibility and the zeitgeist since 1875. At SCHIESSER, responsibility and the alignment with the zeitgeist also stand for compliance with and observance of the law.

The development and creation of an item of SCHIESSER underwear goes through many phases during production. In all of these steps, SCHIESSER’s highest priority is to ensure that the relevant legal regulations are observed and complied with in each individual production stage.

For this reason, in its Code of Conduct, which is binding for all business partners, in particular customers and suppliers, SCHIESSER has not only laid down its guiding principles in the context of its business activities, but also defined the standards that must be upheld in the context of a joint business relationship.

The SCHIESSER Code of Conduct is based not only on national laws, but also on international conventions such as the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Guidelines on Children’s Rights and Business Principles, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the International Labour Standards of the International Labour Organization.

In particular, social responsibility to ensure respect for human rights and ecological responsibility to protect the environment form two key pillars that are underpinned by ethical business behaviour.

SCHIESSER provides employees and business partners, in particular suppliers and customers, with a whistleblower system. This whistleblower system makes it possible to report a violation of legal requirements and/or SCHIESSER’s compliance regulations in a protected environment. The confidentiality of the whistleblower is maintained and protection against reprisals is guaranteed. A report can be submitted via the following link.

The contact details of the Compliance Officer of SCHIESSER are: compliance@schiesser.com

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